Easter Season is a special time. Whether you're celebrating the beginning of Spring, the end of Passover, or like me, the resurrection of the Lord, you probably have some traditions that have been carried out since childhood. For me, Easter Season is also a time of reflection. I think about my childhood, how much I miss my parents, grandparents and all those people who in some way marked this day either by coloring eggs, wearing a new outfit or making a special dinner. My grandmother used to bake a jelly roll cake on holidays. I was never fond of jelly roll cake, but I wish I had been. When we were kids, my mom would dye the Easter lilies from our yard. I tried to make traditions with my daughter but somehow I was always scrambling to pull her Easter basket together at the last minute. This morning, as I sit here with my cup in hand, I wish you happiness, health, family, good friends, joy and great coffee!