The Four Dollar Cup of Coffee - Is It Worth It?

I don't believe a higher price necessarily means a better cup of coffee. However, I do respect fair trade, quality beans, micro-roasts and artisan products. I wrote a few months ago that I refused to pay four bucks for a cup of coffee just because the shop is the newest thing on the block. I'm not talking about a four dollar latte or a four dollar mocha or double-shot espresso or cappuccino. I'm talking about a four dollar cup of brewed coffee. Or, in this particular case, "pour over" coffee. But, this morning I wanted a little excitement. So, when my co-worker (who has no problem dropping five bucks for a latte every day) invited me along, I decided to go for it. The shop is, of course, another "hipster" place. Which usually intimidates me. However, for some reason, the experience today, wasn't intimidating at all. In fact, it was downright welcoming. The guy at the counter didn't even seem upset about having to answ...