
Showing posts from April, 2018

Weaver's Coffee Papua New Guinea - Still One of My All Time Favorites

It had been a few months since I'd enjoyed one of my all-time favorite blends from Weaver's Coffee . Suffice to say it's still as good as ever. The Papua New Guinea is one of those unforgettable beans. I'd like to tell you what it's like but it's complicated.  Complicated in that I'm never quite sure if it's fruit or nuts or sweet that I'm tasting.  Full-bodied and full-flavored.  Dark roast and delicious. The only way to know for sure if you like it, is to order a bag for yourself. Check out all the great organic coffees online:

What is this new "Signature Blend" at Starbucks? Inquiring Minds Want to Know!

I'm never one to complain about a really good cup of coffee.  But I do have one issue. What is in the new "Signature Blend" being brewed at Starbucks cafes? For the last three mornings, I've enjoyed the dark roast delight which is simply called "Signature Blend." Google has led me to multiple blends from Starbucks which claim to be "Signature." The best answer and perhaps the real story I got today from a barista in San Francisco who told me that "signature blend" is a combination of espresso and Pike Place.  If this is true, I may have cracked the code. If it's not, I might have to employ the services of a private coffee investigator. Lastly, where can I buy this stuff in whole bean bags?  I need it in my home life.