Just Because You're Bored in Quarantine - Your Coffee Doesn't Have to Be - La Colombe Coffee

If there's a flip side to Sheltering-in-Place, it's having time to browse the internet for different coffees. Coffee-of-the-Day is "Corsica" from La Colombe . Going to be honest with you, when I saw the beans in the blue box, I was, shall I say, "underwhelmed." I'd heard good things about the brand, but the packaging just didn't pull me in. It looked like grocery store coffee (no shade). Glad I wasn't so shallow. It's chocolate and spice and everything coffee-nice. And the shipping was free. Don't quote me on that. Maybe that was a first time buyer's offer. At any rate, it's worth a try. Even if you have to pay for shipping. 13.00 bucks for a 12 ounce bag of beans.