What's better than a great cup of Coffee? A great cup of coffee with DOUGHNUTS! Johnny Doughnuts

I fell in love with doughnuts before I fell in love with coffee. Wouldn't be surprised if "donut" wasn't one of my first words. Remember "Homer and the Donuts?" (okay boomer) I was raised on good old fashioned glazed. However, never met a fritter or maple bar that I didn't like. And like the third wave (or is it the fourth wave) of coffee, donuts (or doughnuts) are enjoying their own artisan craze. Flavors and texture like you can't imagine. Johnny Doughnuts are amazing. I first enjoyed them from their food truck, but now they have several brick and mortar stores. If there's not a Johnny Doughnuts where you live - well, maybe you need to visit the Bay Area soon!