
Showing posts from April, 2023

I Just Visited My First Peet's Mobile Store. . .I Don't Know What to Say

 I just had my first Peet's mobile coffee shop experience and I'm not sure how I feel. When they said they were remodeling the Peet's near my office, I wasn't sure what they had in mind.  It looked perfectly fine to me.   Today, I walked up and was met by a robot.  Okay.  That's not true.  But there was a lobby full of computer screens.  Looked like the bank.  I could hear a familiar voice in back.   But where were the baristas?  Well, they're all hidden.  Like in a vault.  It wasn't super difficult to navigate the system, but I did have a problem when scanning my app.   So, I did what I always do - "AGENT!" I walked up to the one familiar face who was putting out the orders and said, "Help!" And, she did. I don't know how much I needed help or how much I missed the personal exchange. I'm so confused.  I want my baristas!!

New Coffee Maker - Who 'Dis - In Love with My New Cafe Speciality Drip

It's the little things that help us get through the day. Like my new Cafe Appliance Speciality Drip Coffee Maker . If you can't afford a kitchen upgrade, maybe opt for a new coffee maker instead. The moment I took it from the box, I fell in love with the design.   And then, I was intimidated by the technology.  So, I turned to, where else, YouTube. And if you're at all hesitant or unsure, the customer service (this is a GE Appliance) is great. Each morning, I wake up feeling like Joan Jetson. (not a paid endorsement - just a really satisfied customer)