"Don't Mess With Texas" or My Texas Coffee Mug!

Isn't it funny how the things that we think about the least often mean the most to us? Such is the case with my "Texas Coffee Mug." I bought this mug at the airport in Houston so many years ago - well, actually, I know exactly how many years ago, but don't want to give away anything having to do with age ;0 The point is, when I'm driving and drinking coffee, which is way more often than I should, I find a certain comfort in the feel of this particular mug. It reminds me of a time long ago, when my cares were much less, and hopes were high. Memories of people and places that make me smile and make me feel "right at home." My mug makes me want to use Coffeemate instead of 2 percent. :) And whenever I bring my mug into a coffee shop and say, "Yes, coffee in this mug please," without fail, whoever is pouring will look at my mug and say, "Wow, that's a neat mug!" It wasn't until this past Saturday when I realized that part of...