Fooled Around And Fell In Love

Never say never. I said I would never use a thermal coffee maker. I just had something in my head telling me that the coffee would not taste right. I thought it would be metallic-like. Wrong. The last few weeks have been a Coffee Lover's dream. My new Capresso MT600 PLUS with thermal carafe brews not only a great pot of coffee, it keeps it hot and there's no burnt taste. I am loving it. If there is anything that takes some getting used to, it would be making sure that I turn the cap to the exact position for pouring. Sometimes when I'm not fully awake, I make a mess on the counter. However, that is a tiny drawback. Besides, I'm sure most of you can see better than I can in the mornings. It has a programmable timer. But I have to admit, I never program anything. If you know me, you know that I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants - makes for more excitement in the morning! From Capresso : Rapid brewing 10-cup programmable coffee maker produces a full-fla...