Anesthesia by Philz Coffee Is Anything But! Get On This Now!

Philz "Anesthesia" Coffee

On the way home last night, I drove out of my way and stopped off at Philz Coffee.  

I wanted something different and hand-crafted and strong enough to get me through the week.  

Philz Coffee of the Month this month is "Anesthesia."  I can't lie, the name alone got me curious enough to buy a bag.

I thought, "what the heck kind of name is this for coffee and is it safe to drink?"

Not only is it safe to drink - it's so good that when I brewed a cup this morning the first words out of my mouth when I took the first sip was, "WOW, this is GOOD coffee."  Not that I've been drinking bad coffee lately, but this stuff is really enough to bring you into a higher state of consciousness which is exactly the opposite of what "anesthesia" actually does.

All I can say is "You have my full attention!"


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