Feeling Frothy with Capresso's Frother - I like it a Latte!

I've been watching a lot of the Sopranos lately.  And they drink a lot of espresso on that show.  Yes, I know I'm a little late on the Sopranos. Better late than never, right?

Anyway, you can imagine my excitement when I got this new "Froth Pro" Automatic Milk Frother from Capresso.  

Capresso is more than coffee and espresso machines, they also have just about every coffee accessory you could want including just what it takes to make the perfect foam.

I used Oatly Oat Milk with mine.  Love that stuff.  But you don't have to use oat milk, you can use any milk you like and you'll still get the results you want because this little baby does all the frothing for you.

Forget about the manual frothers - you've got better things to do with your time.  Like enjoying a steaming hot latte.

(*Capresso provided me with a free Automatic Milk Frother for purposes of this review.  Opinions are my own.)


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