If You Don't Know "BOKAR," You Don't Know Beans!

Eight O'Clock Coffee says their Bokar Blend is, "A select blend of 100% Arabica coffee beans, named for two famous coffee-producing areas in Colombia: Bogota and Cartagena. When ground extra fine, makes a spectacular espresso. Available in 12 and 36 oz. bags of whole bean coffee."

I ground mine in my Capresso Burr Grinder, on a number one (finest grind), and then brewed it in my Capresso Coffee Maker. I used one scoop per cup and it was wonderful!

A 12-ounce bag retails for 5.99. That's a great value for a great coffee.

This particular blend is hard to find, so I recommend ordering directly from the Eight O'Clock Coffee website.



  1. Thanks for sharing this really, really special tip. I didn't know beans about Bokar! The price sure fits my pocketbook this weekend - I'm somewhat financially challenged at the moment. As the saying goes, at this price I can have - "High Class on a Low Budget!" I'm always down for a pound of coffee that is good quality and leaves enough change in my jeans to buy ingredients to make tasty "crumpets" for unannounced weekend coffee affectionados who "just happened to be in the neighborhood."


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