K-Cup Review: Green Mountain's "Lake and Lodge"

It's Saturday morning and I'm playing pretend.  I'm pretending I'm on vacation.  

I don't have anywhere that I absolutely have to be for two days.  So, why not make the best of it?

Instead of brewing a whole pot of coffee, I'm taking it easy with the Keurig Brewer and the K-Cup "Lake and Lodge" blend by Green Mountain Coffee.

It's described as a "West Coast Blend," and its dark roast and smooth flavor is especially enjoyable on a lazy morning.  

I don't like ratings, but on the K-cup meter, I would give it four K's out of five.

I may not actually be at the "Lake and Lodge," but my coffee cup thinks it is.

Available from Cross Country Cafe.


Phone: 1-888-774-6939


  1. I think those are the same K-cups my parents use. Good stuff!


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