Mug Adoption

Out with the old, in with the new.  That's what the New Year brings.

However, it's easier said than done.  It's often hard to part with old possessions, especially when it comes to coffee mugs.  They all have their own special story.  They remind us of where they were purchased, or who gave them to us, and how valuable they may be - whether monetarily or sentimentally.

I'm thinking this is the year that I need to part with a few.  I've run out of space in my kitchen cabinets, my mug tree is full and the china cabinet is starting to hold a lot more than china these days.

So, what to do with them?  I'm thinking that I need to find good homes for some of them.  It's hard to decide which ones to let go, but, it's easier when you think of them bringing pleasure to someone else.

Which is why, I'm planning to clear out the cabinets this month.  

I thought the Rescue Mission might be a good place to take them.  There are always families in transition there and unlike the local soup kitchen, they don't only use paper cups.  The families are actually living there, if only temporarily, and a cheery mug might help make things a little brighter.

Sure it's a small gesture and it might sound silly, but beauty is always in the eye of the beholder - or in this case - beauty is in the eye of the mug holder.


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