Go for the Art - Stay for the Coffee

The question came to me this morning as I was walking to work and stopped to admire the different chalkboard art at the numerous coffee shops on my route - is chalkboard art an effective marketing tool? 

I would tend to say, "Yes!"

Sometimes we're so used to living in great coffee cities, where we have a choice of wonderful coffee shops from which to pick, that we forget all the effort that goes into making sure you're not only getting good coffee, but that you're having a good time while you're there.

This simply stated board caught my eye at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf on Montgomery Street in San Francisco.

And even more delightful, was the smile that my appreciation of the art brought to the barista/artist.

So, remember - appreciate your chalkboard artists.  They work hard for your viewing pleasure.

By the way, CBTL also brews wonderful coffee (and tea).


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