New "Three Continent Blend" from Green Mountain Coffee - Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

I've always felt that Green Mountain Coffee is highly undervalued in certain parts of the country.

And I'm here to show some "West Coast Love."

I think that Green Mountain sources, selects and roasts some of the best coffee in the world.  I sincerely believe that.  I'm not saying that every blend is my favorite.  But, I can honestly say that the new "Three Continent Blend," fair trade, medium roast coffee brings a trio of flavors (Sumatra, South America and Ethiopia) together that work well together to bring you a good cup for a good cause.

And the good things that Green Mountain is doing doesn't start or stop with the cup.  I would encourage you to browse the website:

It's more than coffee - it's an education.

I will step down from my soapbox now.  

Here's to good coffee!

(Available bagged and in K-Cups(R))

(Green Mountain provided me with samples of the new "Three Continent Blend" coffee for the purposes of preparing this review, which in no way, influenced my opinion.)


  1. It feels like haven when i consume green coffee beans.This is only because of it's various health benefits.

    Finn Felton

    Kopi Luwak


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