Fonte All the Way on A Rainy Day

Don't laugh. Sometimes I select my coffees according to the book I happen to be reading at the time. Last week, I thought about one of my all-time favorite books " Disappearing Acts " by Terry McMillan. In one of the scenes, the main character orders a pound of Viennese Coffee. Now, it's entirely possible that I'm completely misremembering. Maybe she ordered Mocha Java. For sure she bought a bag of coffee beans. But, I digress. The point is that I couldn't get Viennese coffee out of my head and so I went to Fonte's website and lo and behold - Viennese blend is available. The rest is history or my-story as I sit here sipping on a hot cup of amazing Viennese Blend Coffee from Seattle's Fonte coffee all the way here in San Francisco. You are what you drink. Fonte Viennese Blend Coffee . Available online in whole bean or ground.