"The Bold and the Beautiful". . .*

Not the soap opera, but the coffee, "California Blend" from Newhall Coffee Company.

This micro-roasted blend is "sweet." Sweet, as in good. Sweet as in the sound of Dave Brubeck in the CD player while cruising down Highway 5. It's bold. Bold as in daring, but not overbearing.

I brewed a pot this morning and could not get the taste out of my head. This will definitely make it on my list of favorite specialty blends.

And at only $10.00 bucks a pound, you can get the quality and taste of a much more expensive roast.

In fact, this "California Blend" is so good, I'm going to bake something in its honor. . .hmmm. . .maybe a nice coffee cake or a loaf of fresh banana bread.

California, it's not just for dreaming :)


* A soap opera created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell for CBS and set in Los Angeles, California.


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