Jeremiah's Pick - Private Reserve

I have no idea why I kept passing over the Jeremiah's Pick in my specialty grocer.  For years.  I'd seen it on the shelf, but never thought of trying or reviewing it.

Maybe because I have preconceived and ill-informed notions of what grocery store coffee should be.  I know there are many micro-roasters that now offer their gourmet coffees in upscale supermarkets.  I just happen to be a person who expects to find and purchase gourmet coffees in coffee shops and at farmer's markets.  You know what they say about people with pre-conceived notions - they miss a lot.

Happy I didn't miss Jeremiah's Pick though.

I happened to spy their van in San Francisco last week and all of a sudden thought, "Why haven't you tried Jeremiah's?"  

I love the name.  I love that it's local.

So, thank you to the wonderful coffee peeps at Jeremiah's for hooking me up.

The first blend I sampled was the "Private Reserve."  Now, it's billed as a "dark roast."  But it doesn't taste like a dark roast to me.

It tastes like a medium roast with FULL body.  The taste, well, the taste I can't really articulate, except to tell you, it's SO good.  It tastes "fancy."  Goes down smooth, not a hint of acid and no after-taste.

I'm sure it would pair well with many different pastries, fruit or cheese, but I just drank it 'solo.'

So good, I've had it three days in a row.

First, second and third times were all charms.

Highly recommended.

Jeremiah's Pick Coffee Co.
1495 Evans Avenue
San Francisco, CA  94124

Certified Kosher by Vaad Hakashrus of Northern California

Disclosure:  (*Jeremiah's Pick provided me with free samples of the "Private Reserve" for the purposes of preparing this review.  I'm happy to say that it did not hinder my enjoyment one bit!)


  1. I love Jeremiah's Pick Coffee. I'm a light roast fan so I like the Kona Blend, and the Mocha Java. The finish is smooth.
    Nice quality coffee experience for me. Affordable for the quality too.


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