K-Cup Review: "Hang Loose" With Tully's Hawaiian Blend

The new and improved K-Cups(R) are making me lazy.  

Some days, I don't want to take the time to "pour over," "brew," "press," or "percolate."  I just want to drink a cup of coffee - stat.

So, I'm super excited when there's a new K-Cup(R) I haven't tried.

Today it was the Tully's Hawaiian.

I'm not going to embellish.  It didn't knock my lei off, but it did the trick.  It's a pleasant cup of medium roast coffee.

Smooth, mellow and subtly rich.

It only contains 10 percent Hawaiian coffee, so if you're expecting Kona-madness, this isn't it.  But if you want a nice mellow quick start to the day, it's certainly worth the price.  And convenience.

Available at Cross Country Cafe - my favorite 'e-cup-cafe.'


  1. I like those K-cups - very convenient. Perhaps too convenient!


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