Starting the New Year Off Right! Equator Coffees - Bouchon House Blend

Starting the New Year off right with a cup of Equator Estate Bouchon House Blend!

Roast Magazine named Equator Coffee America's 2010 Roaster of the Year which is why I asked the company if they could send me a sample. I mean, if it's good enough for The French Laundry Restaurant it's good enough for me, right?

This is definitely at the top of my list of coffees to drink in the New Year. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself. You can find them at Rainbow Grocery, Whole Foods and other fine stores, or contact them directly:

Equator Estate Coffees & Teas
115 Jordan Street
San Rafael, CA 94901

Named America’s 2010 Roaster of the Year by Roast Magazine


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