Setting the Record Straight On Dunkin' Donuts Coffee

A couple of days ago, I blogged about Dunkin' Donuts Dark. I said it was delicious and it is.

However, I also commented that I would recommend purchasing it online to ensure freshness. That was not to imply that I have received "stale" coffee from Dunkin' Donuts in the past, but merely expressing my preference for freshly roasted coffee :)

I have been informed by Dunkin' Donuts' spokesperson that "the shelf life of all coffee is one year to retain optimal freshness."

My coffee had a "best if used by August 28, 2010," date which means it was roasted, ground, packaged and sealed at Dunkin' Donuts on August 27, 2009. The shelf life of all coffee is 1 year.

And the coffee I received (gratis) from the company came from Dunkin' Donuts packaged coffee, so the website to order is:

I hope that's as clear as the hole in a Dunkin' Donuts' donut and I still say "Dunkin' Donuts, we need more stores on the West Coast!"



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