When I'm Not Drinking Coffee, I'm Thinking About It

Every year, I buy a new coffee calendar.

But this year, I wanted something different, not just the regular run-of-the mill coffee calendar. Know what I mean?

So, I squealed with delight (well, I didn't really, but I was happy) when I ran across this calendar from Teneues of Germany.

Each month's picture is a work of art. In fact, I'm going to go back to Pegasus and see if I can find another one.

If you can't find one in your favorite calendar/bookstore, call teNeues Publishing at 800-352-0305.

2010 is going to be a very good coffee year. I feel it in my beans. :)



  1. Now this is what I call an awesome timesaving appliance. No more "I thought you poured that first cup for me, Honey" when you have 2 people who get up anxiously awaiting that first cup of "this will get me started" in the morning. Does anyone out there know where I can get one of these fantastic 2-spout pots?


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