Sunday Morning With An Old Friend

"Make New Friends, But Keep The Old, One is Silver and the Other Gold."*

After years of complaining about the fact that Starbucks only offers Guatemala Casi Cielo coffee once a year, I have come to appreciate that if they sold it all year long, then I probably wouldn't like it as much.

It is one of my favorite coffees. I can't remember when I first had it but it was quite a few years ago. It's grown in Latin America and it's a medium body coffee.

According to Starbucks website, "Casi Cielo" means "almost heaven." I don't think I would take it that far because I have tried and reviewed some amazing coffees, but this remains a favorite.

I usually try to hoard a couple of pounds while they're offering it, for those days in June when I get a real craving for it. Although, I think that it is best enjoyed in cold weather.

At 12.95 a pound, it's not cheap, but you can always buy a half pound to try.

*(If anyone knows who wrote this song, I'd love to hear from you. It's a song my daughter used to sing when she was in preschool. I'm told it's an old Girl Scout song but I have no idea who wrote it.)


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