"Mr. Espresso" Gourmet Coffee

For this review, I sampled the Organic Bolivian roast. Let me state again - for the record - I am not a coffee expert. I did not go to coffee school. But I know what I like. If I don't like it, I rarely review it because this blog is my opinion. And we all know what they say - everybody has one of those.

That being said, Mr. Espresso is Oak Wood Roasted Coffee, roasted ironically, in "Oak Town" (aka Oakland, California).

The Organic Bolivian roast is serious coffee. Not for amateurs. It is what I would call "strong," but it did not have a bitter aftertaste. Goes down easy. This morning, I brewed a pot in my drip coffee maker. I plan to try it in my Chemex (TM) and will let you know what it's like.

Mr. Espresso is served in coffee shops and fine restaurants throughout the Bay Area and the State and can be found in many grocery stores.

It's great coffee and pretty much what you'd expect from a guy with a Coffee Bean for a head :)



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